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                                 CRT Unit
                             TextAttr Variable

  DECLARATION:  TextAttr : Byte;

      PURPOSE:  Sets the current Text color attributes

      REMARKS:  The Text colors are normally selected with calls to
                TextColor and/or TextBackground.  Alternatively, you may
                store the attributes directly into TextAttr.

                The TextAttr bits are stored as follows:

                         7   6   5   4   3   2   1   0
                       | B | b   b   b | f   f   f   f |

                where B is the blink enable bit, ffff is the 4-bit
                foreground color, and bbb is the 3-bit background color.
                If you use the Color Constants to create the values for
                TextAttr, the background color can only be selected from
                the first 8 colors and must be multiplied by 16 to get it
                into the correct bit positions.

      EXAMPLE:  TextAttr := Yellow + Blue * 16 + Blink;

                This will result in yellow blinking characters on a blue

See Also: TextColor TextBackground
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson